
Chapter 2

Laura walked past the last table, wishing within her the woman wouldn't call her. She was already exhausted. ‘ don't call,' she bit her lips and held the tray tightly, almost injuring her nails.

"Hey there, can I have my eggs now?"

'Well isn't this amazing' she takes a deep breath, turns back and wears a smile.

"Okay ma'am how do you want your eggs?

"What do you mean how do I want my eggs?"

Laura sighs, holding the empty tray close to her chest, she needed to get this over with, she was exhausted " well madam, you can have your eggs scrambled,sunny side up, ,over…"

"Just get me eggs, I'm famished"

Laura arrived with the eggs within a few minutes

"what is this?, Why does this look so disgusting"

" Please lower your voice ma'am, that's scrambled eggs" Laura forced a smile, the last thing she wanted was this woman causing a scene.

“I do not want this trash get it out of my face"

"Oh yeah I'd gladly to that" she shoved down the woman head into the plate of eggs

"How does that feel ma'am" Laura cackled loudly..

"Hello? Miss?" The woman snapped her hands bringing Laura into reality.

"Can't I just get quality service in this place, I asked you to change the eggs and you just stare right into space"

"Sorry ma'am, right away" deep down Laura wished that wasn't an imagination she'd like to see her face covered in scrambled eggs, she smiled to herself.

She thought of how hard she worked yet earned very little, it was like chasing wind, she just couldn't help her family this way….

Her phone rang, she stared at the screen, it was a strange caller but she proceeded to pick the call.


"Hi, am I unto Laura?"

"Yes, do I know you?"

"Let's leave the intro, it's your father" she paused

"What's with my father?"

No reply

"I would appreciate a response ma'am" she suddenly had goosebumps, she could feel all the hairs on her body stand, she held her breath awaiting a response on the other end of the call.

"I'm so sorry Laura…"

He walked into the large dinning, everything glittered, he had his own place but he loved this mansion, his childhood, those memories of his parents, everything, he wouldn't trade any of it for anything.

He sat down to eat , he wondered why his grandfather was late to dinner, he waited patiently.

“My chauffeur is dead, Bryan”

“Oooh tough, so sorry” he said uninterestedly.

“That isn't what I came here to discuss with you” George sat down opposite him.

“What is it?”

“You need to get married Bryan”

Bryan was quiet; he knew where this was going.

“Look I'm losing investors I can't afford this, I need you to get married to be fully in control of Myers empire, you're turning 30 Bryan and you know what that means”

“I will grandpa, I need a little time”

“That time is what I do not have!” He banged the dining loudly.

Bryan hoped he wasn't injured, it was hard glass, he gazed at him intensely, there was something about his eyes that looked pale.

“I'm terminal, Bryan,” he said softly.

“What?, how long have you known this?” Bryan stood up to approach him, George stood almost immediately.

“Get a wife Brain or your cousin gets the inheritance and you'd be left with nothing, this family legacy and business would go on” he said leaving .

This was a lot to take in, Bryan started down and pondered.

He knew what had to be done but how?

Laura looked out the window, the cab was air conditioned yet she felt really hot, as she journeyed back home she knew she wouldn't see her father anymore, the last conversation they had still lingered in her head, she couldn't even cry anymore there were no tears left to cry.

The neighborhood looked the same, that was her least concern, now she had quitted her job to come look after her sister and her ailing mother, she had to find another way.

The driver horned loudly, stopping abruptly she jerked

“What's happening?” She looked ahead

“Sorry ma'am, I think I just bashed the Ferrari right in front of us, it wasn't intentional I promise ”

“Well tell that to the owner of the car” she scoffed how could he be so careless, not today please she's had enough.

“Oh no”

“What is it”

“It's, Mr Brain” he swallowed hard.

The name sounded familiar

“Who?” She asked the driver, puzzled.

“Brain Myers ma'am”

She had a thought immediately in her head but first she was going to give him a piece of her mind, and challenge him.

Laura came down from the cab desperately, she waited near the Ferrari, then the door opened slowly, she was forced to look up at the suave demeanor right in front of her, she hated Bryan but now he was undeniably the hottest person she had come across she opened her mouth to mutter some words there weren't coming out.

“Your driver bashed my car ” Bryan looked at the brunette, he's not seen her before,of course he wasn't supposed to know everyone but he could tell she was new.

“Uhmm, he isn't my driver, he's a cab man”

She put her head down not wanting to maintain eye contact.

“I'm so sorry sir” the cab man rushed quickly bowing to him.

Brain raised his hands, telling him to stop while still staring at Laura he said.

“Do I know you?”

“I'm Laura, Laura Brown”

“Okay” he said as he held the car door about to enter.

“Wait Mr Brian, don't you recognise me?”

He only stared at her blankly.

“Okay my father worked at your mansion” she widened her eyes, knowing he might have gotten a hint .

“My condolences “he said dryly, looking at his Rolex.

Okay, that wasn't what she expected, but that was the least of her worries.

“Please I need to talk with you” she said almost immediately

“What’s this talk about?”

She got on her knees, she tried so hard to cry perhaps he might be moved, what she was really doing she didn't know but she hope it worked.

“I really need your help Mr Bryan” she rubbed her eyes.

`Wh-what are you doing, you're embarrassing me paparazzi might be around they can't see me like this, get up” he held a tight grip on her arms, she felt a sharp pain and stood up immediately.

She sniffled and looked up to him.

“Now speak” he looked straight into her eyes

“I- I didn't mean to embarrass you” she sputtered.

“What do you want?”

“Money; lots of it” she swallowed hard

“I'm a business man, what do I get in return?

“Anything you want”

“Anything I want?”


“Get into the car, let's talk business”.

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